Tuesday, October 1, 2024

GLOGtober 2024-1

So it's GLOGtober again. Longtime readers know that every GLOGtober I participate in something called "October", which is a kind of month. Anyways whoever you are, if you're reading this you probably know what GLOGtober is but if not there's an explanation here: https://glass-candles.blogspot.com/2024/09/glogtober-24.html

I'm just gonna roll 1d76 every day for a prompt and post until I get tired/stressed/bored.

It's true!

Today: A Fate Worse Than Death

Doctor Toxic has been distributing a new, highly addictive strain of marijuana!  Him and his gang of drug dealers are holed up in McFish's Skate Shop, where they grow their crop! Oh no!


1: The DEA has a lead on the drug kingpin Doctor Toxic! However, he's liable to flee if he notices them moving, and all the DEA field agents are clones of Carl Weathers! They need someone more subtle to take him out - and having the DEA owe you is pretty useful! Are you a bad enough dude(s) to be a narc?

2: You've met a blind samurai, mortally wounded and surrouned by bodies! His ward - a young boy - has been kidnapped by Doctor Toxic and his gang! The wicked Doctor is threatening the boy's father into making super drugs! Are you a bad enough dude(s) to rescue some kid and his dad?

3: The local HOAs have become rather put out by the recent increase in delinquncy! They trace the rise in loud house parties and loitering to one location: McFish's Skate Shop, occupied by one Doctor Toxic! They will pay good money to anyone who gets him and his gang to stop being quite so rowdy! Are you a bad enough dude(s) to serve a noise complaint?


It is a map!

0: The Storefront

The storefront of McFish's Skate Shop. The windows have been reinforced with wooden planks. Two Drug Dealers stand behind the counter with baseball bats. One of the Drug Dealers will amicably attempt to sell various drugs, while the other primarily stands there looking intimidating. Neither will allow customers through the door to [1] under normal circumstances. Five bags of weed, one package of coke, and one package of cocaine are underneath the counter.

-1: Radio Shack

A Radio Shack next to McFish's skate shop. The shelves are barren, save for a broken Realistic tape recorder sitting in the corner. A shelf on the back wall can be moved to reveal a hole in the wall, large enough for a human to crawl through.

1: The Vert Pipe

There is a half pipe taking up much of the room. 3 Drug Dealers are taking turns skating it. A rail sticks out of the north wall bout 15 feet above the ground - slightly above the top of the half pipe - and crosses through a 7'x7' square hole into [2]. The door to [2] is nailed shut and barricaded with planks of wood from the far side, but has a hole carved into it large enough to fire guns and loose arrows through. If the Drug Dealers are alarmed, they will attempt to skate up the half pipe, grind the rail into [2], and then attempt to shoot any intruders with the crossbow resting by the door.

2: The Quarter Pipe

This room contains a rail on the north wall, 15 feet above the ground and leading through a hole to [1]. The east wall has a large quarter pipe. The south-east corner contains three arcade machines: Ninja Gaiden, NARC, and Mortal Kombat 2. The first two seem to be working fine, but the third isn't running. Moving aside the Mortal Kombat 2 machine reveals a hole in the wall to [-1], large enough for a human to crawl through. There's a crossbow next to the boarded-up door to [1] (1d10 damage, -2 to hit for every 30', must spend a turn reloading between shots) with 20 bolts.

3: The Hallway

This hallway contains several signed photos of famous skaters, each comically defaced with a sharpie. The door to [4] has a sign saying, "DON'T ENTER THE LAB UNLESS I SPECIFICALLY TELL YOU TO." It is latched from this side. The door to [5] has a sign saying, "DON'T SMOKE THE PRODUCT." The door to [6] has a sign saying, "DON'T BOTHER ME UNLESS IT'S IMPORTANT."

4: The Lab

The Lab contains various machines, bottles, bunsen burners and other sciencey things. A man in a labcoat - Dan - is busy making new, more potent drugs. His son, Danny, might also be here too. It's up to you. If the party met that blind samurai, probably Danny should also be here. There's also a cot in the corner, and a partially eaten sandwich on a plate next to the drug science machines Dan doesn't want to be here, making drugs, but Doctor Toxic has been threatening him (and his son Danny, if present). He will tell anyone who seems willing to go against Doctor Toxic a few bits of advice:

・Doctor Toxic has a dose of experimental Super Methamphetamine that makes the user almost invulnerable.

・When the Super Methamphetamine wears off, its user will be extremely weak and vulnerable for a time.

・Bong smoke should significantly accelerate the body's metabolizing of the Super Methamphetamine - making it wear off much faster.

5: The Bunks

Several sleeping bags cover the floor of this room. A single Drug Dealer is sitting in the corner, playing a Game Boy. Probably Tetris, as evidenced by the squarewave cover of Korobeiniki emanating from the console. Next to her, a sleeping bag is awkwardly propped up against the wall. The Drug Dealer will be guarded, but assumes that anyone who has made it this far into the skate shop is probably allowed to be inside. The Drug Dealer doesn't want people to disturb them while they're on break, and definitely doesn't want anyone looking into their stash of marijuana (and bong) in a box under the propped-up sleeping bag.

6: The Doctor's Office

This room contains a massive half pipe, with stairs on the eastern end of either side. Doctor Toxic is sitting on his throne atop the northern deck, a brutal iron chair. Two Drug Dealers armed with slingshots flank him (one of the Drug Dealers is giving him a manicure). He will assume any intruders are with the DEA, and attempt to convince them that he is unstoppable, that there's no shame in fleeing, and that no one should throw their life away so easily. If approached or antagonized, Doctor Toxic will inject himself with a dose of Super Methamphetamine and become Doctor Supertoxic.


Drug Dealer:


HP: 8

STR: 4, DEX: 0, MIND: -4




Doctor Toxic Hoodie - A hoodie with Doctor Toxic's logo on it, a sign of membership in the gang.

Dark Sunglasses - Every Drug Dealer wears a pair of dark sunglasses, even indoors, even at night.

Skateboard - Grants a +4 to MOVE while on suitable ground, can do tricks and grind rails on it.

Baseball Bat - The Drug Dealers in [0], [1], and [5] are armed with baseball bats that deal 1d8 damage (two handed, 1d6 if only held in one hand, cannot be dual-wielded).

Slingshot - The Drug Dealers in [6] have slingshots that deal 1d4 damage, have -2 to hit for every 20' of range, and never run out of ammo.



HP: 6

STR: -6, DEX: 0, MIND: 6



Doctor Toxic:


HP: 16 (Uses Death Dice)

STR: 6, DEX: 0, MIND: 4




Bulletproof Vest - +2 DEFENSE (already added)

Lab Coat - A black lab coat with a green viper embroidered on the back.

Surgery Mask - A black surgery mask.

Doctor Toxic's punches deal 1d4 damage.

Doctor Supertoxic:


HP: 20 (Uses Death Dice)

STR: 10, DEX: -4, MIND: -4



Doctor Supertoxic is twice as large as Doctor Toxic, a towering 13 foot behemoth of muscle. His punches deal 1d8 damage, and he takes 6 less damage from any attack. This transformation lasts for an hour, after which Doctor Supertoxic returns to being Doctor Toxic and gains 10 Death Dice (rolls an additional 10d6 upon taking damage). Upon inhaling bong smoke, the remaining time for the transformation is reduced to about half a minute, or like three combat rounds. 

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