Thursday, February 13, 2025

GLOG Class: My Last Ninja Was Just A Fighter

Mall Rats are varied in kind and skills, but all serve only one master: the great god Greed. A Mall Ninja serves a greater power: Pride. In the service of Pride, you take a Lord. Your Lord is the best Lord, and protecting them is your purpose. Anyone who questions your methods is just jealous.

Thanks to Grek for figuring out how to get Unstable to work.

Also thanks to TitleKnown for ordering me to create this class.

Also I suppose this is a bandwagon Assassin class

A mall ninja, probably

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

GLOGtober 2024-7 Acrostic

 So I'm still on my phone. I left my laptop at home. That's been a pain, but I don't need it for my classes today. Prompt from

This is an acrostic, right?

GLOGtober 2024-6 Color

So I'm writing this on my phone. Hopefully that'll be fine. Ok I fought autocorrect three times writing that sentence, it's not fine. Whatever. The prompt is from

The future of gaming is color.

Monday, October 7, 2024

GLOGtober 2024-5 Infrastructure and Logistics

So today is the 6th. I missed posting on the 5th, and I probably won't get this one up until the 7th at the earliest. Ain't that the way they say it goes. This post sponsored by

I sure hope this is an infrastructure

Friday, October 4, 2024

GLOGtober 2024-4 Feuding Poets and their Ruinous Verses

So I hope these rules are fun, but I'm not sure I'd ever actually use it myself. Maybe. Who knows. Prompt by

Something Something Walfalcon
My name is Something Something Walfalcon

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

GLOGtober 2024-3 Anime-Inspired Content

So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into GLOGtober.

I came up with that sentence myself. Technically. Anyhoo, I rolled a thing for today's post, then rerolled it in a moment of weakness, and then ended up with a prompt that I myself submitted. Cool?
