Mall Rats are varied in kind and skills, but all serve only one master: the great god Greed. A Mall Ninja serves a greater power: Pride. In the service of Pride, you take a Lord. Your Lord is the best Lord, and protecting them is your purpose. Anyone who questions your methods is just jealous.
Thanks to Grek for figuring out how to get Unstable to work.
Also thanks to TitleKnown for ordering me to create this class.
Also I suppose this is a bandwagon Assassin class
A mall ninja, probably |
Class: Mall Ninja
You start with a 刀 (pronounced "katana") (1d6 damage in one hand, 1d8 damage in two hands, deals an additional d10 damage on a critical hit, breaks on a critical fail) (I don't care what your crit rules are glue these on top), two kunai (light weapons), a semi-concealing hoodie.
Starting Backgrounds:
2: Always Prepared, +1 ATTACK
3: Stable, Heavy Duty, +1 ATTACK
4: Critical Strike, +1 ATTACK
Pick a person or thing. That is your Lord. If the person or thing that you have chosen is killed, broken, or socially demolished, your Lord is Destroyed and you no longer have a Lord. Your Lord has 2 LORD POINTS. If your Lord hits 0 LORD POINTS, it is Destroyed and you no longer have a Lord.
Your Lord being destroyed by LORD POINTS has no effect on the actual thing you chose to imprint your Pride on.
If your Lord has been destroyed, you must avenge them before you can get a new Lord. Pick 1d6 things to Destroy. Each one of these things must either be valuable, or dangerous to Destroy. Once all 1d6 of the things are Destroyed, you may choose a new Lord. It has LORD POINTS equal to 1 + your levels in Mall Ninja.
Placed Sense of Duty:
You can convince yourself that some person or thing has committed a grave slight not just against you and your honor, but also against your Lord (If you don't have a Lord, you cannot do this). Write it down as your Target. You gain a +2 bonus to any CHECK that works to the Destruction (physical or social) of your Target. If either your Target or Lord is Destroyed, clear your Target (erase their name from your character sheet).
You can only have one Target at a time. If you change Targets without clearing one first, your Lord loses 1 LORD POINT.
Always Prepared:
When outside the mall, you may spend $2d12 (if this is more than you have, simply spend all your money) to purchase a new 刀. When it is first unsheathed, you can reveal it to have one of the following effects, or something similar:
- Extends to a 10' pole
- Turns into 30' of rope
- Critical hits on a 19-20
- Has built-in lockpicks
- Works as a crowbar
- Edible as 3 days rations
- Emits 24 hours of light
Critical Strike:
Whenever you roll a critical hit or failure on an attack roll, your Lord regains 1 LORD POINT. If your Lord already has 5 Lord Points, you instead gain 4 HP.
Pride is a sin.