Monday, October 7, 2024

GLOGtober 2024-5 Infrastructure and Logistics

So today is the 6th. I missed posting on the 5th, and I probably won't get this one up until the 7th at the earliest. Ain't that the way they say it goes. This post sponsored by

I sure hope this is an infrastructure

Today: Infrastructure and Logistics

Dungeon: Fire Man's Foundry

Legend tells of a Man of Fire and Steel. He was created to help humanity, but was bound by a malicious will. Ever since, he has been but a puppet on a Stage of Steel and Fire, guarding something that his dark master does not dare to keep in his evil castle. Rumor has it that this smoldering fortress hides a weapon, one that threatens even the seemingly impervious Father of Death. Will you brave the burning hate of the Fire Man?

Maybe I should have made them go in a circle.

The maps are drawn with 5' tiles. Every combat turn (as a time measurement, it still happens outside of combat) the state of the dungeon switches to the next map in the cycle. I guess you should use minis or a VTT for this.

0 - The Entrance

The entrance blends in with the rubble that was once city. The fallen towers that extend for miles. The bodies of the Father of Death's endless soldiers, fallen from battle or wear and long since replaced. The only tell that this is your destination is the smoke indicating that this building still burns. The door is a solid steel hatch, with a rusty wheel to open it. Inside, the room has bare concrete floors, with metal on the walls. It's illuminated by the fire and magma coming from the hallway [1]. Three Helmet Soldiers wait to attack, spread out across the room.

1 - The Lava Corridor

The floor of this corridor is a trench filled with molten steel, the surface of which is about 10 feet below the other rooms. Five large concrete blocks materialize and dematerialize repeatedly (shown on map). There's a hatch on the wall on the far side of the corridor, lined up with the left row of disappearing blocks. The block closest to room [2] has a pressure plate on it, hard to see from room [0] but not particularly hidden. When this plate is triggered, a rocket will be launched out of the hatch and travel along the left wall, triggering TN 10 DEX checks for each person in its path until someone fails or it hits the back wall. It screams the entire time. If it hits someone, that person takes 1d4 damage, and make a TN 6 STR check to avoid stumbling backwards.

The rocket can talk, is not particularly antagonistic, uses all its fuel in it's first shot, and only knows "common sense" and what it's like to sit in a tube for a long time.

2 - It's A Hallway

Indeed it is.

3 - The Fire Gauntlet

Steel pillars in the center of the hall shoot out walls of fire. Being hit by a wall of fire deals 1d6 damage.

4 - Fire Man

The sliding metal doors to this room open on their own as you approach. Fire Man stands in the center of the room, a cathedral to industry that somehow manages to be both material and profane. The roof is high here, the steel pillars like the pipes of an organ, their gouts of flame the music of a hell made by man. Fire Man does not talk, he cannot talk. His only task is to hurt anyone who enters the room.

The walls of fire in this room also deal 1d6 damage to anyone caught in or moving through them.

The doors close behind anyone who enters (or after a combat turn if they're standing in the way), but only open if someone approaches from the [3] side. It can be forced open with a TN 14 STR check.

The room contains nothing of note besides the pillars of flame and Fire Man himself. Upon closer inspection of Fire Man's body, there is a panel on his chest that opens. Inside is the Phlogiston Nexus, a charm which grants its bearer protection from fire and the ability to shoot gouts of flame (attack, deals 2d6 damage, travel up to 30 feet, cannot make flames less destructive than a 2d6 damage gout of flame).

Helmet Soldier

Level 1
HP: 6
STR: -4, DEX: -4, MIND: -4
STEALTH: 0, MOVE: cannot move
Shoots up to three targets for 1d4 damage each. Can't shoot the same target more than once per turn.

Fire Man

Level 5
HP: 14 (Uses Death Dice)
STR: 3, DEX: 2, MIND: -6
STEALTH: -8 (head is on fire), MOVE: 2
Can't be harmed by fire.
Can explode in flames, forcing everyone nearby to make a TN 8 DEX check or get burned for 1d4 damage. Can't do this again for the next 4 turns.
Can shoot a gout of flame at someone for 2d6 damage. Can't do this again for the next 6 turns.
Can create a fire pillar under anyone not adjacent to him, forcing them to make a TN 8 DEX check or get burned for 1d10 damage. Can't do this again for the next 2 turns.
Can punch for 1d4 damage.

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