Wednesday, October 2, 2024

GLOGtober 2024-2 Fantastic Transports

So it's still GLOGtober, despite everything. Day 2, in fact. I'm actually writing this on September 30th, because I abide by my own rules. Nah that's actually probably normal. Today's prompt from

He took the midnight train headed anywhere.

Today: Fantastic Transports

Rumors speak of a train that carries wanderers throughout the stars. You, whoever you are, have found tickets to that train - tickets to go anywhere. Be careful, however, as a return trip is no guarantee. 

The Galactic Railroad is a campaign pitch intended for one or more player characters - all of whom are wanderers. They can certainly settle down later, but the act of embarking on the Galactic Railroad is one only taken by those with no destination in mind. As such, it may lend itself to a "wuxia" sort of story. Player characters get involved with local problems as they see fit, then move on.

The Galactic Railroad stops at midnight, every new moon. If a wanderer with a ticket lies down in a lonely place where they can see the stars, the Galactic Railroad will open its doors for them. Tickets can be handmade out of any material, but must be palm-sized or smaller and have "Galactic Railroad First Class" written on it in Star Runes ("Second Class" and "Third Class" also work, but there's no additional cost to writing "First Class"). Upon entering the Galactic Railroad, a hole will appear on the ticket signifying it has been redeemed.

Each time the railroad stops, the doors open onto a sparking, starry void. Stepping out into the void, a passenger will find themselves in a new world, at dawn after the new moon. For some reason, the Railroad seems to place its passengers near sources of conflict.

While the player characters are on the Railroad, they may encounter other passengers - either already aboard, or who board after the player characters. These passengers may be amicable, and even offer to disembark at the same station for a month, but will generally not stay with the group for longer than that.


  1. Blandus the Centurion - Still wearing his military apparel. His division was annihilated by sorcery - but he had already fled the battle, alone. After that, he wandered until a keepsake of his grandfather turned out to be a ticket to the railroad. He's still wandering. Has armor, a spear, and a sword.
  2. DOCTOR IVAN VON CHANG - Wearing a TOP HAT and a BLACK SUIT. Claims to have obtained EVERY doctorate at the colleges of his OWN domain, and is now in search of YET UNDISCOVERED degrees. Obtained his ticket through SCIENTIFIC and EMPIRICAL RESEARCH. Has several vials of acids, poisons, medicines, elixers, and hard liquor.
  3. Phyllis - Wearing a cream colored jacket with shoulder pads. Also is an actual skeleton. Her husband is after her, as is her boyfriend, and her boyfriend's wife, and her husband's mistress. Ironically, part of what got her into this whole mess was stealing from her boyfriend's art collection - which is where she found her ticket. Certain she'll find somewhere to settle down eventually, but for now she's not ready to start building up connections again. Been on the Railroad for about 15 years. Has a rather large revolver - and is a crack shot.
  4. Little Thumblebump - Wearing a tan tunic. A normal-sized, adult man. Went on several adventures when he was young and 2 inches tall, but eventually wished on a magic ear of corn to be 5'11". Ever since then, his life has been extremely boring. Nothing swallows a 5'11" guy whole. Not that... not that he wants to be swallowed whole, just that... it's just boring, alright? He grows corn for a living. Thankfully his lucky charm (a piece of cloth he stole from an ogre and used as a blanket) turned out to be a ticket to the Railroad. Has a sword, moderate sword skills.
  5. Gilfried - Covered in black and silver armor. Was once a hermetic swordsman, teaching his art to his students. A nearby lord, fearful of his skills, cursed him with magic armor that would destroy any sword he attempted to wield. He raided the lord's castle with only his armored fists as weapons, but no way of lifting the curse could be found. Wanted by the kingdom, and incapable of teaching his sword to others, Gilfried took a ticket out from his store room and set off for infinity. Has nothing but his armor, which is nearly indestructible.
  6. Armory Woman - A robotic woman with gun barrels coming out of her hands and shoulder pads. She was created by a megalomaniacal roboticist, in an attempt to conquer the world. When that attempt failed, and she was freed from his control, she found no place for her in mundane society. The world would not accept her as anything but a weapon, and there was no need for a weapon as dangerous as her. So, rifling through her former master's secret lab, she found a ticket that promised freedom, and she took it.

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