Monday, February 25, 2019

GLOG Bard Genre: Punk

So if you don't know, and you probably do if you somehow found this, Lexi over at Cratered Land made a bard class for GLOG. Said class has "genres" in a kinda similar way to wizards have schools. I thought that was cool, and I like punk rock so I figured I'd make a punk rock bard genre. Here we go!

Wow that looks terrible

Sunday, February 24, 2019

City of Angels and Demons

Not a great name, but that's what I'm going with. That's the name of my new campaign/setting/whatever. Guess where it's set. Guess. Come on guess. It's set in LA. Anyways what do I have so far? Well a whole lot of nothing, but there's also some something mixed in so it's OK.

I don't want to make a cityscape in pixel art right now so I'll just make a image for this in a later post.

 But enough meaningless talk, let's get into the pointless description!

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

GLOG Class: Oh boy making a bunch of classes in a short period of time won't result in a bunch of low quality classes, definitely

Wow that's a long title. But hopefully a truthful one. Anyways after the last two joke classes (maybe, still not certain on if Spider-Man was a joke or not) I figured, "Why not make some actual classes, considering I'm going to run an urban fantasy campaign and the list of modern classes to choose from is rather slim." So that's what I'm going to do. First up...
He's just gray because I didn't want to have to choose a skin tone

GLOG Class: Why do I keep doing this.

So someone mentioned that there's a class in Pathfinder that, per the original rules, had no vision, hearing or sense of smell, and could not move. They errata'd it apparently, but that gave me an idea. A wonderful, awful idea. Maybe just awful. Probably just awful.
This is not you.
Also I forgot that JPG doesn't do transparency, but I'm too lazy to do anything about it.
Credit to me, for spending 10 seconds in an image editor.
I use ProMotionNG for pixel art by the way. It's pretty great.

Monday, February 4, 2019

GLOG Class: Screw it. Spider-Man.

So I'm running a Spider and Man game, and then I got to thinking...

Well no, no I didn't. This class shows a complete and utter lack of thinking. But if there were thoughts going through my tiny brain at the time it farted out this... thing, they'd be something along the lines of, "Hey, what if I did the worst possible thing and tried to make a specific character in an RPG that uses rules almost entirely contrary to the tone and style of the source material? That sounds great!"

I guess it's a bit better that Spider-Man has become kind of an set of traits shared by many characters (Spider-Man, Other Spider-Man, Spider-Woman, Other Spider-Woman, Silk, etc). I dunno.

And yes, I stole the C template powers from the Acrobat class. Whatever.

Anyways, here's Wonder-Wall.

Spider-Man Knock Off - Bug Eyed Monster
Arachno-Guy, in all his glory!
credit to for the picture

Wow, it's been a while.

I'm starting up a new GLOG game, and since it's the first game I've run in a while that'll actually require me to prep content, I might as well start this up again to post the content I do prep. Maybe I'll finish that dungeon I'll be working on. It's pretty cool, I think, or it will be when it's finished.

So what happened? Well, I doubt anyone actually cares, but basically life. I've still had time for RPGs, but I've been doing a bunch of stuff (new job, new semester) so I haven't really felt like I had the motivation to work on making things. But I'm hoping to turn that around.