Tuesday, October 8, 2024

GLOGtober 2024-7 Acrostic

 So I'm still on my phone. I left my laptop at home. That's been a pain, but I don't need it for my classes today. Prompt from https://bitspieces.bearblog.dev/

This is an acrostic, right?

GLOGtober 2024-6 Color

So I'm writing this on my phone. Hopefully that'll be fine. Ok I fought autocorrect three times writing that sentence, it's not fine. Whatever. The prompt is from https://spiceomancy.blogspot.com/

The future of gaming is color.

Monday, October 7, 2024

GLOGtober 2024-5 Infrastructure and Logistics

So today is the 6th. I missed posting on the 5th, and I probably won't get this one up until the 7th at the earliest. Ain't that the way they say it goes. This post sponsored by https://impulsivenecromancy.blogspot.com/

I sure hope this is an infrastructure

Friday, October 4, 2024

GLOGtober 2024-4 Feuding Poets and their Ruinous Verses

So I hope these rules are fun, but I'm not sure I'd ever actually use it myself. Maybe. Who knows. Prompt by https://mediumsandmessages.bearblog.dev/

Something Something Walfalcon
My name is Something Something Walfalcon

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

GLOGtober 2024-3 Anime-Inspired Content

So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into GLOGtober.

I came up with that sentence myself. Technically. Anyhoo, I rolled a thing for today's post, then rerolled it in a moment of weakness, and then ended up with a prompt that I myself submitted. Cool?


GLOGtober 2024-2 Fantastic Transports

So it's still GLOGtober, despite everything. Day 2, in fact. I'm actually writing this on September 30th, because I abide by my own rules. Nah that's actually probably normal. Today's prompt from https://seedofworlds.blogspot.com/

He took the midnight train headed anywhere.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

GLOGtober 2024-1

So it's GLOGtober again. Longtime readers know that every GLOGtober I participate in something called "October", which is a kind of month. Anyways whoever you are, if you're reading this you probably know what GLOGtober is but if not there's an explanation here: https://glass-candles.blogspot.com/2024/09/glogtober-24.html

I'm just gonna roll 1d76 every day for a prompt and post until I get tired/stressed/bored.

Today's prompt is from https://whosemeasure.blogspot.com/

It's true!