Thursday, October 5, 2023

GLOGtober 2023-5

So today I got Puzzle Boxes. I will attempt to make something from that.

I dunno what else to say as an intro. I didn't post yesterday so I'm posting this and the previous post both on the 5th hopefully.


Three Magic Puzzles

Aklun's Sphere

A hollow sphere made of magically reinforced wood, a foot in diameter. Rotating various rings of that wood in the correct order reveals a sentence written in the tongue of dragons: "Speak The Power And Doom Of Kings." At this point, someone speaking the word for people - again in the tongue of dragons - causes the sphere to burn to ash and grant fire breathing to whoever was holding it.

The Cube of Bruce

A magically reinforced silver cube, each face the size of a splayed hand. It is said to have been made by the great wizard Bruce to contain a great treasure. Each side has a series of dials with the letters of the alphabet. When all six sides spell BRUCE, the cube opens and the great wizard Bruce flies out of it. He had been imprisoned in the cube for his crimes - "wizard crimes", he insists - but is ready to turn over a new leaf. He is very good at wizardry but not very good at turning over new leaves.

The Puzzle Box

A magic. tin, rectangular box, about 6"x3"x2". It radiates immense magic which - combined with the paint on it depicting a the battle between Battlesaurus and the Great Dragon of the North - indicates this is The Puzzle Box. Myths say it was created to hide Battlesaurus' ring-blade until another worthy bearer came to wield it. The sides of the box have many sliding panels, with one sequence of slides seeming to work for 10-20 moves... but then you run out of options. Every time you reset the box, your options seem to randomize. Panels that couldn't slide before can slide now. It is impossible to open The Puzzle Box by sliding panels. If it is smashed open - it is fairly sturdy but not indestructible - it is revealed to contain a ring and a note. The note says, "Congratulations! If you're reading this note, that means you have realized the most valuable weapon is violent force! You have proven yourself worthy to wear my ring! Use it wisely. Or don't! - B. Rex"

The ring is a plain steel band that resizes to fit any finger it is placed on. The wearer can instinctively turn it from a ring to a powerful magical sword or vice-versa.

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