Friday, March 1, 2019

GLOG Class: Kevin Levin/That One Dude From MHA

So here's a class I just made for the campaign I'm actually running. It's somehow even worse than the ones that I make and never use. Basically one of my players wanted their shtick to be "Tough guy with tough skin"(those are misleading quotes, I don't remember what they actually said) and gave the examples in the title. I honestly couldn't think of a way to make interesting powers, but I guess they didn't really want interesting powers they just wanted to not get hit and not take damage and stuff. I dunno.

This class really doesn't work if you allow multiclassing. The first template abilities are pretty powerful and scale based off of player level rather than templates, and the other levels don't really add much so you might as well just take template A and then switch to some other class.

I dunno I guess it's a pretty good example of what not to do.

I'll still use it though.

Tempted to say that once you become stone you can't turn back

Class: Blood of the Stone Men

Starting Equipment: Tough guy haircut

A. Iron Fist, Stone Skin

C. Earthform

Iron Fist
Your hardened fist deals 1d6 damage.

Stone Skin
 Your Armor is equal to your Attack.

You can turn your whole body to stone. It takes a full turn to transition from flesh to stone or vice-versa. While in stone form, your Armor score is equal to base armor times 2, minus 10. You also take half damage. You cannot move, but you can see and hear as normal.

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