Friday, June 18, 2021

Dead Labor: Character Creation v0.2

So this is a process, and I'm going to probably iterate on the rules quite a bit.

Promises of freedom are as common as there are city lights.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Dead Labor Character Archetypes

So here's some classes basically.


Dead Labor: Injury

So here's more on Dead Labor. You might be getting into some scruffs from time to time, so there's gotta be some way of resolving that. Also I think this is legal hopefully - it sure ain't original, that's for sure. Check out Blades in the Dark if you haven't yet.

I should have saved the last post's caption for this one.

Dead Labor: Character Creation

So it's midnight, and I'm thinking about midnight stuff. And when you think of midnight stuff you think of two things: Cyberpunk, and Vampires.

Or maybe that's just me I'unno.

Anyways I'mma start making another thing before I finish my previous stuff so here we go.

The city at night is anything but quiet.