So this is a map of Eido(栄戸), the capital of the nation of Hiwa(日和). This is for a campaign I'm running on RoleGate, an excellent website for Play by Post RPGs. It's not done yet, but it'll be expanded as time goes on, and new locations are revealed.

1: Eido Castle (栄戸城), the seat of the Eido Bakufu, and the home of Tokue Kendai (徳江権代), Shogun of Hiwa(日和). Surrounded by mansions owned by various daimyo
2: Eido Port (栄戸港), largest port in Eido, largest port in Hiwa. Major distribution center for goods throughout Eido.
3: Yoshimiwara (誼原), the red light district of Eido. Patrons prohibited from bringing weapons into the town.
4: Tsukuyomi Shrine (月読神社), a shrine to Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto.
5: Eido Shokonsha Shrine (栄戸招魂社), a shrine to those lost in the wars leading up to the formation of the Eido Bakufu. Contains a garden overlooking the Yashiroda river(社田川).
6: Eta District(部落), a ghetto on the northeast side of the city, the inhabitants of which are below the class system.
7: Mittsuwa Marketplace(三つ和市場), a market that sells all sorts of goods from all over Hiwa.
8: Mount Takeyuki(健之山), A mountain near Eido. There's supposedly a mansion containing a rogue sect of monks near the base of the mountain.
1: Eido Castle (栄戸城), the seat of the Eido Bakufu, and the home of Tokue Kendai (徳江権代), Shogun of Hiwa(日和). Surrounded by mansions owned by various daimyo
2: Eido Port (栄戸港), largest port in Eido, largest port in Hiwa. Major distribution center for goods throughout Eido.
3: Yoshimiwara (誼原), the red light district of Eido. Patrons prohibited from bringing weapons into the town.
4: Tsukuyomi Shrine (月読神社), a shrine to Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto.
5: Eido Shokonsha Shrine (栄戸招魂社), a shrine to those lost in the wars leading up to the formation of the Eido Bakufu. Contains a garden overlooking the Yashiroda river(社田川).
6: Eta District(部落), a ghetto on the northeast side of the city, the inhabitants of which are below the class system.
7: Mittsuwa Marketplace(三つ和市場), a market that sells all sorts of goods from all over Hiwa.
8: Mount Takeyuki(健之山), A mountain near Eido. There's supposedly a mansion containing a rogue sect of monks near the base of the mountain.