Friday, August 30, 2024

GLOG Class: What Sound Does A Dragon Make

So I was thinking about more 80s/90s cult classics to base 80s/90s cult classes off of, and I realized I'd never seen Buckaroo Banzai. And then I realized that I *had* seen Miami Connection.

Friends through eternity, loyalty, honesty, stay together through thick and thin.

Class: Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Rock 'N Roller

You start with a musical instrument, a martial arts uniform, and the power of friendship.

Starting Background:
1-2: Taekwondo Synth Rock (Start with sword)
3-4: Karate Punk (Start with three sai)
5-6: Savate NDW (Start with big shoes)

Starting Instrument:
1: Bass
While playing the bass, you can walk up walls, across ceilings, and over liquids.
2: Guitar
While playing the guitar, you can run three times as fast. You can also attack an additional time each turn.
3: Keytar
While playing the keytar, you can push or pull a nearby individual 10 feet at a time. You can also attack at range with bolts of music that deal 1d4 damage.
4: Drum Kit
While not playing the drum kit, it folds up to a single snare with a sling.
While playing the drum kit, your DEFENSE increases by 2 and all nearby friends have their ATTACK increased by 1.
5: Horn
While playing the horn, you can blast everything adjacent to you with music, creating a shockwave that deals 1d4 damage.
6: Mic
While singing into the mic, you can light nearby objects on fire. You can also disarm an opponent if you critically succeed on a DEFENSE check.

1: Martial Artist, Musician, +1 ATTACK, +1 DEFENSE
2: Band Member, +1 ATTACK, +2 HP
3: Solo, +1 ATTACK, +2 HP
4: Self Confidence, +1 ATTACK, +2 HP

Martial Artist:
You deal 1d6 damage with unarmed attacks.

Your music grants energy. Friends who can hear it can add 2 to any STRENGTH checks.

Band Member:
Your music grants protection. Friends who can hear it can reduce the damage they take by 1.

You can start a solo which lasts one minute. During that solo, friends who can hear it cannot die. You cannot perform a solo again until you have conquered a significant challenge (such as a "dungeon" or "adventure") or suffered a significant loss (such as the death of a friend),

Self Confidence:
You are your own friend.

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