Monday, October 9, 2023

GLOGtober 2023-9

So I forgot to say what the prompt was yesterday. You can figure it out yourself.

The prompt today is Paper Minis. Here's some images you can print out and use for characters.

Image broke. See full post for backup images.

Four Entities

This is Dargon, see by his qualities that he has wings, though maybe they work? What are in those jars he holds, or are they perhaps conga drums? Why are both his eyes blue-glowing, or does he have more eyes out of sight that aren't blue-glowing? This image of Dargon seems like it may be unclear if printed on a paper mini, but it is cool looking. Maybe his conga drums are magic? Maybe Dargon is magic and expresses that magic through his conga drums?

Look at Dinkus. It doesn't have two arms. It maybe doesn't have one arm? But despite this disability, it is still Dinkus. Can it shoot lasers out of its eyes? Maybe, if it has them. I think that makes sense. Does it want to shoot lasers out of its eyes? Perhaps Dinkus is a gentle soul, but built for war. Or maybe the other way, maybe Dinkus is like a maintenance bot that wants to kill people. Maybe Dinkus isn't even a robot, and just looks like that for other reasons.


Oh dang it's King. King is pretty powerful, because her face is like, I recognize it as a face, it feels like its a face, but I can't point out any features. So she is like S-tier on the Four Entities tier list. Dinkus clearly has eyes, yet has less of a face. Anyways, what is King holding under her cloak? A scepter? A gun? Dinkus' sibling Donkus? Is that garment even called a cloak? Maybe its a cape? What's even the difference? These are questions you can ask, if you want.

Wow, look at that face. What's Porkem thinking? It doesn't feel like they'll ever let you know what's inside that mind. But will they? Who knows. Porkem is pink, but also other colors. Are those other colors painted on, or does Porkem just look like that? I recognize that the previous sentence is a rephrasing of the slogan of the makeup company Maybelline. Is the pink painted on too? Maybe Porkem is actually green. Maybe all the paint is what Dargon is carrying in those jars. Do they appreciate mushrooms? That might be a fun thing for Porkem to like. Maybe mushrooms could bribe Porkem for something. 

This actually looks pretty nice.

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